


Video: hoe wij het netwerk voeden met onze data

12 januari 2012

Iedere dag genereer jij als telefoon- en computergebruiker honderden brokjes informatie. Daar wordt dankbaar gebruik van gemaakt. Bovenstaande video, van Michael Rigley, laat in drie minuten zien hoe dat in z’n werk gaat. Het is een indrukwekkende schets.

28,000 MMS messages — multimedia pieces of communication like photos, videos, and voice communication — are sent into the world every second, and cell phone companies record much of the metadata that travels with them, like location, identity of the receiver, amount of data transferred, and the cost of the transmission. The average user has 736 pieces of this personal data collected every day, and different service providers retain this information for anywhere between 12 and 60 months. Network is a remarkably designed piece of motion graphics by graphic design student Michael Rigley exploring the secret life of our MMS data and the tradeoffs we inadvertently face as we choose convenience of communication over privacy and control of personal data.


Attendering: Brainpickings
