


Tussenstand het langste gedicht: 911.504 dichtregels

15 februari 2010

Het langste (Twitter-)gedicht is nog lang niet af. De teller staat inmiddels op 911.504 dichtregels. Het blijft lekker lopen:

bourbon street is insane. send help – and pants.
@_strada It is! and it’s great for your plants.
Guess who saw george michael and maybe today. Me.
and by so many i mean too many. #cc
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
Making stuffed shells for dinner to use up some odds and ends of cheese.
Yo, Rex Ryan! How about you just shut up and coach!
then you need to go back and rethink your approach.
at another hour and half of softball.. hitting only tho 🙂
Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.
