


Rapport The Blogging Revolution: Government in the Age of Web 2.0

02 juli 2007

David Wyld presenteert een interessant rapport op de website van het IBM Center for the business of Government: The Blogging Revolution: Government in the Age of Web 2.0.

Van de website:

“Wyld observes that blogging is growing as a tool for promoting not only online engagement of citizens and public servants, but also offline engagement. He describes blogging activities by members of Congress, governors, city mayors, and police and fire departments in which they engage directly with the public. He also describes how blogging is used within agencies to improve internal communications and speed the flow of information.

Based on the experiences of the blogoneers, Wyld develops a set of lessons learned and a checklist of best practices for public managers interested in following in their footsteps. He also examines the broader social phenomenon of online social networks and how they affect not only government but also corporate interactions with citizens and customers. “

Het volledige rapport (PDF) vind je hier, een samenvatting hier.

Ik had dit rapport goed kunnen gebruiken als bron voor mijn eigen notitie, maar da’s mooi te laat. Het document is evengoed de moeite van het bewaren waard.

Via Docuticker.


2 Reacties

  1. Natalie schreef:

    Kan ik het nog mooi wél meenemen!
    Bedankt voor de tip!

Reageer op Edwin Mijnsbergen