


De reis van de Shanachies van DOK

12 juli 2007

Wel eens gehoord van een Shanachie, ook wel bekend als Seanachai?

In Ireland, in the days before books and printing, there was a class of people called Seanachai. These folks made their living by traveling from village to village and telling stories. Sometimes they would spin tales from the great tapestry of folklore that comprises the mythology of Ireland and other times they’d just repeat the gossip from the next town over.

DOK Delft heeft twee Shanachies in dienst en die verhalenvertellers c.q. ‘bibliothecarissen van de 21e eeuw’ gaan in oktober op reis.

Briljant! Betere visitekaartjes kunnen we niet afvaardigen. Go get ‘m lads!

Ik krijg meteen zin in Ierse Poëzie. Kom maar door, Thomas Moore:

The time I’ve lost in wooing,
In watching and pursuing
The light, that lies
In woman’s eyes,
Has been my heart’s undoing.
Though Wisdom oft has sought me,
I scorn’d the lore she brought me,
My only books
Were woman’s looks,
And folly’s all they’ve taught me.

Her smile when Beauty granted,
I hung with gaze enchanted,
Like him, the sprite,
Whom maids by night
Oft meet in glen that’s haunted.
Like him, too, Beauty won me,
But while her eyes were on me,
If once their ray
Was turn’d away,
Oh! winds could not outrun me.

And are those follies going?
And is my proud heart growing
Too cold or wise
For brilliant eyes
Again to set it glowing?
No, vain, alas! th’ endeavour
From bonds so sweet to sever;
Poor Wisdom’s chance
Against a glance
Is now as weak as ever.

