Het nieuwe zoekgedrag: gecontroleerde serendipiteit
22 januari 2010Serendipiteit: het doen van een vondst waarnaar men niet zocht.
Terwijl ik ‘Controlled Serendipity’ Liberates the Web van Nick Bilton lees, betrap ik mezelf er op dat ik instemmend zit te knikken.
If someone approached me even five years ago and explained that one day in the near future I would be filtering, collecting and sharing content for thousands of perfect strangers to read — and doing it for free — I would have responded with a pretty perplexed look. Yet today I can’t imagine living in a world where I don’t filter, collect and share.
More important, I couldn’t conceive of a world of news and information without the aid of others helping me find the relevant links.
But we are solving the problem, through our aggregation. We’ve reduced the fear of missing something important because we share “controlled serendipity” with others and they with us. And without this collective discovery online, I couldn’t imagine trying to cull the tens of thousands of new links and stories that appear in the looking glass on a daily basis.We are all human aggregators now.
Goed gesproken Nick, goed gesproken.
Zie ook: zoeken wordt luisteren.